BIPA Daring (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers Online) is a brand of BIPA program facilitation portal developed by the Language Development and Development Agency, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology since 2018. The development of the BIPA Daring portal applies the principle of ‘gotong royong’, namely the provision of services. involving the participation of various parties. The BIPA Online Portal was developed as a manifestation of the coordination and facilitation role of the Language Agency in providing access for BIPA program beneficiaries and stakeholders to BIPA services from various sources. Services in the online BIPA Portal can be accessed through five application modules, namely (1) Belajar BIPA as a service channel for sharing BIPA learning materials, (2) Jaga BIPA as an information sharing service channel for BIPA program organizing institutions, (3) Bakti BIPA as a channel for sharing information about the gait and work of BIPA observers, (4) Tebar BIPA as a channel for information services and the implementation of BIPA online learning, and (5) Tera BIPA as a channel for information services and administering BIPA online learning tests.
The Belajar BIPA application module (BIPA Learning Materials) contains BIPA learning reference materials, both provided by the Language Agency and registered users. In this application module, the Language Agency and registered users (individuals, communities, and/or institutions) can upload materials so that they can be downloaded by the public. The materials provided can be in the form of teaching, enrichment, and supporting materials, either in the form of electronic books, audio and/or video, as well as applications.
The Jaga BIPA application module (Network of BIPA Program Organizing Institutions) contains data and information on BIPA program organizing institutions inside and outside Indonesia, both provided by the Language Agency and registered users. Data and information are presented in the form of location maps and institution profiles. Through this application module, institutions that administer BIPA programs, such as schools, colleges, course institutions, government/private institutions, and communities that organize BIPA teaching can register as registered users. Institutions that have the status of registered users have access rights to publish and update their institutional profiles so that they can be accessed by the public.
The Bakti BIPA application module (Serbs of Gait and Work of BIPA Observers) contains data and information on the progress and work of BIPA observers, both provided by the Language Agency and registered users. Through this application module, teachers, students, activists, and the BIPA community as well as the BIPA program organizing institutions can register themselves as registered users. Registered users have access rights to share information about BIPA activities carried out and/or works produced, both scientific and creative works. In this application module, there is a special menu for the State Language Ambassador which contains data and news on the assignment of BIPA teachers managed by the Language Agency.
The Tebar BIPA application module (BIPA Learning Place) is a place for managing distance learning BIPA online. Through this application module, BIPA teachers and BIPA program organizers in partnership with the Language Agency can become registered users to access online BIPA learning planning, management and reporting mechanisms. In addition, BIPA students who receive BIPA learning services from teachers and institutions that partner with the Language Agency can take advantage of this application module as registered users to access data, information, and services.
The Tera BIPA application module (BIPA Learning Online Test) contains an online BIPA learning test service consisting of a placement test for prospective BIPA students and a learning evaluation test for BIPA students. Through this application module, BIPA teachers and BIPA program organizers in partnership with the Language Agency can become registered users to administer placement tests and online learning evaluation tests for their students. In addition, BIPA students as general users can access test simulations to find out and try samples of placement test questions and learning evaluation tests.
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